Math & Logic
Math & Logic lets you perform arithmetical operations on your data
Node Definitions
Math & Logic component needs to have the category and function defined before defining Input Ports to it. Each Math & Logic function has it's own input port limitations (e.g. Math:Sum has no limitation, Logarithmic:Log has maximum input limit of 2).
After defining your Category and Function for this Math & Logic component, you can see your input limitation in your Input Ports tab.
Input Ports
You can define your input ports in Input Ports tab, adhering to the input limitation. Getting beyond a limitation won't be allowed, as it won't work. You can see your input port limitation written in the header:
You have two types of input ports: Input and Constant.
Input typed ports are your regular ports, which you can connect to other output ports via linking, and it will get the value of the output port it is linked to.
Constant typed ports are ports which you can't link to any other output ports, and these ports will always have the value that is defined to it:
Output Port
Math & Logic component must have exactly 1 output port. Input ports will be reduced to a single value based on the function this component has, and you can feed that output value to any other component you like.
By default, output port name changes based on the function you choose, however you can change the name by unchecking the checkbox "Generate output port name based on function".
Working Example
Categories | Functions |
Last updated