Windows Installation


Before you get started, ensure that you are signup/login to portal. After login to the system you can easily download the last version of Dataguess from here.

Supported Configurations

The following Windows releases are supported.

Operating system


Windows 10

x86 and x86_64

Windows 8.1

x86 and x86_64

Windows 7

x86 and x86_64


1. Double click on the downloaded file

2. Specify unused registered ports (1024 to 49151) for API and Web services and click Next

3. Select additional tasks and click Next

4. Click Install to continue

5. Click Finish to exit setup and application will be launched on the web page

6. Once the installation is finished you can access dataguess via: http://<ip_address>:<web_port>


1. Make sure that DataguessServ is running as an operating system service

2. Under your windows/temp/ directory you can see log files named:

  1. API-stderr...log

  2. API-stdout...log

  3. WebServer-stderr...log

  4. WebServer-stdout...log

Last updated